Here you can test the performance and functionality of Transact-SQL code for fuzzy-string searching. (You can review recent searches here.)
Type a word (2-16 letters, no space) in the box and press Enter to find similar words:
Initially you will receive a list of words (from the American Scrabble® Dictionary, case-insensitive) that can be Transformed into your word with at most one Change.
You can increase the Change Limit and repeat your search, as long as the search does not take more than 30 seconds, or find more than 100 similar words. Check this box to automatically increase the Change Limit after seconds.
Your word need not be an actual word, but here are some suggestions of actual words (except the 16-letter words) to search:
Searching for words of medium length takes longer, because there are more words of similar length to compare them to. (The length of each word is cached to generate this table, but that cache is not used to optimize the searches, because I want to show the best performance without caching.)